Moorit Merino Wool and Suri Alpaca with Hemp 7 oz. Pin
Drafted Roving is a unique blend that will spin up into a heathered yarn. This
is a streaked striped blend of natural moorit (fawn) Merino X Romeldale wool blended
with 35% fawn suri alpaca and then natural hemp fiber added at the pin drafting
stage. This roving has a 3” staple length and almost zero VM (vegetable matter).
This hemp streaked blend was professionally processed in California using neither
harsh chemicals nor carbonization. This will spin into a fun and lovely yarn or
could felt also. As with all of my yarns
and rovings, if you buy something from us, we can send a free sample of any other
item along with it. Just ask. Your satisfaction is guaranteed on this roving. Thank
you for looking.